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โš™๏ธ Configuration

One of the most important features in an Indirecta product is the ability to configure the most out of the product.
This document will document all TagRead configuration sections

๐Ÿ•ฐ๏ธ Idle Behaviorโ€‹

  • Label stringโ€‹

    "Example Room"
    Default Room Name to display in the "Idle" frame along with the clock
  • IDLE_INTERVAL numberโ€‹

    How many seconds of inactivity after last mouse movement on display before the screen automatically turns off
  • FORCE_CLOCK booleanโ€‹

    If enabled, forces the "Idle" frame and screen to remain off during inactivity.
    Use this in conjunction with NUM_KEYPAD to display label & clock when TagRead is inactive, and numpad when the display is focused
  • CLOCK_FORMAT string patternโ€‹

    "%H:%M" clock string format shown in "Idle" frame with room name
    Set to 24h by default, use "%I:%M %p" for 12h (eg. 02:30 PM) and "%H:%M" for 24h (eg. 14:40)

๐Ÿ“ถ NFC Behaviorโ€‹

  • NFC_READING booleanโ€‹


    Whether or not to listen passively for NFC-enabled keycards, fobs and devices. Turning this off will completely disable NFC functionality.

  • NFC_KEY tableโ€‹


    The secret keys transmitted via NFC that should automatically unlock the connected doors or devices.


    Make sure to use a very long and unique secret key that will be the same contained in NFC Cards alike.
    Since the NFC Protocol communicates from client to server, it allows for clients to send whatever they want.
    Creating endless possibilities for integrations, and unfortunately also allowing key bruteforcing.
    Future TagRead versions might reject NFC Keys that have low shannon entropy values.

  • NFC_MAXWAIT numberโ€‹


    How much time to wait before relocking door after an authentication attempt (also timeout duration for data transmission)

  • NFC_SAVEBANDWITH booleanโ€‹


    Attempts to figure out to which client the NFC tag belongs to instead of firing all clients

  • SECURITY_KICK booleanโ€‹


    This will kick any player who responds to the data transfer remote
    without providing the correct NFC part that touched the reader.
    Use in pair with the previous setting for maximal NFC security.

๐ŸŒ Localizationโ€‹

Allows you to change the most important display strings

  • MSG_READING stringโ€‹

    "Hold your card near the screen"
  • MSG_UNLOCK stringโ€‹

    "Authenticated successfully"
  • MSG_FAIL stringโ€‹

    "Try bringing the device closer"
  • MSG_NUMPAD stringโ€‹

    "Input passcode"
  • MSG_TOTP stringโ€‹

    "One time pass"
  • MSG_KICK stringโ€‹

    "Detected NFC Remote Tampering"

๐Ÿ”ข Numpadโ€‹

  • NUM_KEYPAD booleanโ€‹


    Whether or not to enable number keypad mode, this will turn on instead of the clock and room name if FORCE_CLOCK is set to false.

  • NUM_CODE tableโ€‹


    One or more 6-10 digit pins. Players will have to input one of the codes correctly to unlock the system.
    If NUM_EXTRA_KEYS is not enabled, this string of numbers should not contain 0.

  • NUM_WAIT numberโ€‹


    How much time to wait (keep the door open) after authenticating, before relocking
    If the authentication attempt fails (passcode is wrong!) the numpad will wait 0.45 seconds, clear the screen and automatically relock.

  • NUM_EXTRA_KEYS booleanโ€‹


    Whether or not to display extra numpad keys for more complex passcodes (, 0, #)
    and # keys are currently unused and are replaced by two dots.

๐Ÿ”‚ One Time Pass Authenticationโ€‹

  • NUM_TOTP booleanโ€‹

    When NUM_KEYPAD is enabled, changes the valid passcode to that of a pre-configured one time pass.
    This is the same 2FA Protocol used by services like Discord and offered by apps like Google Authenticator and Authy.
    Pro tip: You can also use the 2FA iComm App for authentication!
  • NUM_TOTP_INTERVAL numberโ€‹

    Default TOTP Interval (code change frequency), do not change this unless you know what you are doing
  • NUM_TOTP_LENGTH numberโ€‹

    Default TOTP Length (code digit length), do not change this unless you know what you are doing
  • NUM_TOTP_SECRET stringโ€‹

    Default TOTP Secret that generates all valid passcodes. This is 2FASTEST by default because it's also present on the iComm 2FA app and it can be tested
    online using
    To use a custom secret on a 2FA App like Google Authenticator, you must use the same NUM_TOTP_SECRET chosen in this config and generate a valid 2FA QR Code
    to scan with your phone using a website like this:

๐Ÿšช Unlock & Relock Functions FUNCSโ€‹

The essential part to configure.
Since TagRead doesn't include any communicating door, you will have to integrate an existing door system's API using these two functions.

  • ๐Ÿ”“ UNLOCK functionโ€‹

    Fired when:

    • โœ… NFC authenticates successfully
    • Passcode is correct
    • One time pass is correct
      The connected door should open when this function is fired.
  • ๐Ÿ”’ RELOCK functionโ€‹

    Fired when:

    • โŒ NFC authentication fails
    • Passcode is wrong
    • One time pass is wrong
    • โฒ๏ธ Timeout: max time passes without any input
    • Max time passes after successful authentication
      The connected door should close if not already when this function is fired.

Make sure your UNLOCK & RELOCK are working! Infinite yields caused by code using :WaitForChild() will cause
TagRead to freeze after attemtping to unlock or relock!

  • ๐Ÿ’  _INTEGRATION_ON_NFC_TOUCH functionโ€‹

    Fired when any part touches the NFC Antenna (created only if NFC is enabled) This function can be used to integrate other card protocols and make them compatible with TagRead, implement whitelists, blacklists, the possibilities are endless!

    If the function returns nil, the code will continue executing the ๐Ÿ’  NFC Authentication procedure
    If it returns true, the reader will โœ… unlock the connected system, and false locks it as a โŒ failed auth attempt.
    If the function returns something that's neither of those (e.g. an empty string), the NFC Authentication will halt,
    but TagRead won't show any unlock or fail message.

๐Ÿ”ˆ Add sound to TagReadโ€‹

TagRead doesn't plan to include any built-in audios or media.
To add sound effects, you will have to create a Sound instance, configure it, parent it to any part inside TagRead,
and handle sound playing inside the UNLOCK & RELOCK functions.

๐Ÿ’  Use the On NFC Touch Integrationโ€‹

This section will include some examples for _ON_NFC_TOUCH integrations:

๐Ÿ”ฎ Try your luck!โ€‹

This integration will unlock the connected system with a random 50/50 chance!

["_INTEGRATION_ON_NFC_TOUCH"] = function(self, script, part, config, notify)
-- Fired when NFC Antenna is touched by any part
notify(true, "๐Ÿ”ฎ", "Let's test your luck!", "")
if math.random(0,1) > 0 then return false end

return true

๐Ÿชช Whitelistโ€‹

This integration will halt the NFC Authentication procedure if the player is not in the whitelist!

["_INTEGRATION_ON_NFC_TOUCH"] = function(self, script, part, config, notify)
-- Fired when NFC Antenna is touched by any part
local whitelist = {"Lxi099"}

local function FindPlayerAncestor(part)
local parent = part.Parent
if parent == nil then
return nil
if parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
return game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(parent)
elseif parent:IsA("DataModel") then
return nil
return FindPlayerAncestor(parent)

local Player = FindPlayerAncestor(part)
if Player and table.find(whitelist, Player.Name) then
return nil -- Continue with auth procedure
return "" -- Do absolutely nothing if the player is not whitelisted

โŒ Error Screenโ€‹

tagread design

When a critical error is encountered, TagRead will completely halt it's own script to prevent security issues from arising.
The error screen contains similarly to other Indirecta products like the iComm, a QR Code and error hash to facilitate sharing.
Please send any unknown error screens over in a private ticket in our Discord server.

It is speculated that an error could occur between an unlock and relock cycle. This could leave the TagRead reader defenseless and the door unlocked.
It looks like this is impossible at the moment because of some countermeasures, but if it somehow happens, please also open a ticket.